Professional Learning Analytics: repurposing workplace data for professional learning and development
LAK25 Pre-Conference Workshop 19
Professional learning is essential for professionals to ensure that they remain effective in their role after the completion of formal training or qualification. This is an important facet of lifelong learning, both formal and informal. When professionals engage with workplace technologies, these interactions leave behind a significant digital footprint that remains underutilized. Such interactions have the potential unlock data-driven insights related to professional practice that could improve a professional’s understanding of their own practice; scaffold reflection; and drive learning and development. Despite the opportunity to leverage data to support such ideas, many challenges exist.
Where: LAK25 Conference, Dublin, Ireland
When: Monday, March 3, 2025, from 1:30 to 5:00 pm
Registration Information: LAK25 Web Page
Workshop Overview
The Professional Learning Analytics workshop aims to bring together learning analytics (LA) researchers to discuss the emerging role of workplace data that is transformed to support professional learning. We aim to share experiences and visions for this important form of learning analytics. We aim to establish the common ground, as well as identify the important differences, in professional learning analytics across diverse professions. The workshop will begin building a cohesive subcommunity of researchers with a common goal of supporting professional learning with repurposed workplace data.
The objectives of the workshop are to:
- Provide an overview of what is happening in the professional learning analytics space
- Explore strategies to overcome key challenges in the area
- Scope common needs and challenges repurposing workplace data to support professional learning
- Identify new ways to harness workplace data to support professional learning
- Discuss opportunities and an agenda for developing a professional learning analytics subcommunity
- Connect and grow a community of interest in the field of professional learning analytics
Key Readings
- Making sense of bits and pieces: A sensemaking tool for informal workplace learning
- Beyond effective approaches: A rapid review response to designing professional learning
- How do people learn at the workplace? Investigating four workplace learning assumptions
- Learning analytics for workplace and professional learning
- Learning and Work: Professional Learning Analytics
- Designing Technologies to Support Professional and Workplace Learning for Situated Practice
- Frameworks for integrating learning analytics with the electronic health record
- An Infrastructure for Workplace Learning Analytics: Tracing Knowledge Creation with the Social Semantic Server
- Learn-B: A social analytics-enabled tool for self-regulated workplace learning. In Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on learning analytics and knowledge (pp. 115-119).
- Performance data advocacy for continuing professional development in health professions